I made two different masks; the first one is from the site of someone who I follow regularly, Julie Cefalu, the Crafty Quilter. This is her WEBSITE. She always has lovely quilts and quilty items plus sometimes she will post a recipe that always looks delicious.
This is her face mask:

I made one for my husband but it was too small for his (big) head but works perfectly for me. I opted for a closed elastic loop that goes around your ears instead of larger elastic loops that go over your head.
The mask I made for my husband was from the Riley Blake Designs blog - https://blog.rileyblakedesigns.com where they listed several different types of masks.
The mask was from from Free Sewing - all the patterns can be found here - FACE MASK PATTERNS AND TUTORIALS
Remember these are not PPE, not hospital grade and precautions must be taken putting them on and taking them off. They do not replace hand washing or social distancing.
Please stay safe!
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