Well, summer seems to have arrived and with the (sometimes) better weather we find ourselves outside tending to flowers or the veggie garden or the countless little things that add up to big chores. Unfortunately, that usually means less time for quilting. However, some of our members have been busy starting and finishing new projects! Here's a sample:
From Myrtle:
A lovely black and white baby quilts made from a panel.
Another baby quilt, called Lullaby Land designed by Karen Bialik.
And another baby quilt, Carpenter's Star - all the babies should be covered now! And covered very nicely!
From Cheryl:
A children's charity quilt made from leftover fabric from the quilt in the last blog post. Never let it be said that Cheryl is afraid to buy extra fabric 'just in case'!
A charity quilt from a bag of 5 inch squares found in a donation bag of fabric (to our guild)
Another charity quilt made from leftover squares from a block of the month project at our quilt guild; none of the squares were the same size so a lot of trimming was needed and then there were no points left! (but it wasn't a pointless endeavour!)
A child's quilt for charity.
A charity wheelchair quilt made from 5 inch squares gifted by another guild member. There were some really fancy squares as well but they really did not go, colour wise, with the rest of the squares so perhaps they can be used later. So then after putting those squares aside, Cheryl didn't have enough squares and had to spend time finding or making more!
A note from Paula:
Not much quilting but lots of sewing.
The hospital gowns ended up with short sleeves and snaps rather than ties. 24 of them using used sheets donated from Holiday Inn. It was a request from Canada Sews for long term care patients.
The other pic shows a couple of scrub caps and a headband made for donation also.
On a positive note, my flat finished seams are pretty good😊
In June, quite a few of us were able to get together in a local park for a socially-distanced picnic. It was great to see everyone! Our last meeting was early in March so this was a happy day.
We missing celebrating Judy and Jane's March birthdays so Carole picked up a cake for the picnic; such fun!
I haven't heard from a few of the girls so I'm going to save my photos for the next post. I hope everyone is keeping safe, keeping apart, wearing a mask and protecting yourself and your loved ones!