Quiltcon 2016
Jane and I attended Quiltcon 2016 this past February in beautiful Pasadena, California and all I can say is "WOW!" Quiltcon is presented by the Modern Quilt Guild and it is four fun-filled days of demos, vendors, suppliers, classes and, of course, a multitude of quilts.
You can gain an appreciation of all that was offered by visiting their 2016 site at this site. Although the event is over, the web site will show you what was going on and by clicking HERE you can see what is planned for 2017 in Savannah, Georgia on February 23 to 27, 2017. Several of us have already booked our hotel for 2017 and are anxiously awaiting the opening of registration for 2017.
Neither Jane nor I have been to the huge quilt shows so it is difficult to compare this one to others like Houston however, I have been told that Houston is too big, too many people, too much to see. I don't know if I would consider that a problem or not, but I can see how it could be overwhelming. Quiltcon was not overwhelming, it was manageable and fun. I took three classes, one was a full-day and the other two were half-day and although I enjoyed the full-day class (with the wonderful Amy Smart), I think I will take only half-day classes next year which will allow more time for seeing the quilts and shopping the vendors.
Okay, enough of me typing - on with the photos and I will warn you, there are a lot of photos! For that reason, I am not going to comment on each photo, I'll just let you enjoy!