Lots of great quilts to show you today!

Our first meeting in February was a very productive day. Carmen brought in two quilts that she just needs to bind - both of these lovely quilts are being donated by Carmen to raffles for fund raising! Sign me up! Where do I buy tickets? They are both lovely!

The first quilt is this beautiful bargello - love the colours, love the quilt!

The second one is the quilt Carmen started at our last meeting- beautiful greys and gold. Great job Carmen as always! 

Carole and I brought the goodies we received from our Mug Rug swap partners. This program is offered through Quilting Gallery website,
click HERE to go their website. It is so much fun to make a small project like a mug rug and exchange it and some goodies to a partner far away. Carole's mugs rugs below are from her partner is South Africa. Love the giraffe scarf!

And my mug rugs and goodies are from my new quilting friend, Berit, in Norway. I love the fabric strips she sent, very Scandinavian!

Here's Carmen working on a lovely Valentine-themed quilt - adore the old fashioned Valentine fabric!

 Faye 2 is thinking hard and ...

 ....working on her star blocks; looks like the quilt can't be far behind!

BJ is working on another (baby?) quilt; I can see the chevron popping up! 

The secret is half-square triangles!

Jane is ironing some fabric from our large quilt guild to work on Bow Ties blocks for charity quilts!

Judy is stitching up some maple leaf blocks for our guild's Quilts of Valour projects, very nice!

Here are some of Jane's Bow Tie blocks getting stitched.

Here is Carole's lovely quilt top, such movement! Love all the blues with the white!

Another quilt in the works from Carole; looks very 'spring-like' and drisp and clean. I wonder how it would look all 'scrappy'? 

And this is the pattern - Indian Puzzle - I tried to google the pattern so I could include a link, but there are TONS of quilt blocks and quilt patterns called Indian Puzzle - so, you're on your own! 

That's all for today - have fun sewing!!


Happy Family Day!

Today in Alberta and a few other provinces in Canada, we are celebrating Family Day, a day that was established to give parents a paid day off work to spend with their children. Alberta's first Family Day was celebrated in 1990 and Alberta was the only province in Canada to have a statutory holiday in February until Saskatchewan, next door, began observing it in 2007. 

Alberta's premier in 1990, Don Getty, said it was important for all Albertans to take time for their families and that this holiday would emphasize the importance of family values. A nice idea but a vast number of Albertans still work on Family Day (although they are paid time and a half!) and you can make any day 'family day' by spending time together as a family.

Now on to some photos of my 'quilting family' - we don't need a special day to get together, any day we are together is a special day!

I missed our last get together in January but thankfully BJ took some great photos!

This is the start of a quilt Carmen is making for a raffle - love the colours!

And behind that beautiful block is Faye 2 - looks great Faye!

This is a blue and white quilt Carole is working on - can't wait to see it put together.

This intriguing photo is from Myrtle's workstation - I wonder what it's going to be!

Jane is working on the same quilt block as Carole - duelling quilts, very pretty!

This is Judy's little stitchery - love the message "Never enough fabric"! Adorable!

This is the completed Mystery Quilt that BJ made after Christmas at Earthly Goods - they always have a Mystery Quilt workshop and BJ has had great fun there and now she has another beautiful quilt!

I think those are Carole's legs and therefore that must be Carole's quilt - very nice!


That's all for now, stay warm!
