Stitchin' Sisters
A little look back at some finished projects!
Can it be? Is it 2023?
Can it really be 2023? Wow, 2020 really knocked the heck out of us didn't it? I personally had such high hopes for 2020; I love even numbers - give me a 2, 4, 6, 8, and I'm happy. And I really love numbers with symmetry so I expected 2020 to be awesome.
It started with the wild fires in Austrailia I thought the loss of so much land and the death of so many helpless animals would be the bad news story of 2020 but I was was still convinced that 2020 would be good despite the tragic start.
How could I have been so very wrong. What a terrible year. So many deaths, so many unknowns. The unknowns made everything worse. The isolation was depressing, the conflicting 'news' was confusing. Some people rallied during the isolation and got 'stuff done' - not me.
However, now that I'm done (for the time being!) complaining, it's time to get our lives back in order and make up for what we've missed. And that means quilting. Full speed ahead!!
I have made a resolution to post regularly on this blog and I intend to do just that. Even though I have a lot of volunteer responsibilities, I can do it! Isn't there a saying about give a job to a busy person and they will get it done? I think there is!
So from now on, sit back and watch for lots of inspiration to come your way. I promise my complaining really is over and I will share only happy quilty news!
Looking forward to reconnecting with you all!
Big hugs,
Quilting in the time of Covid
Today the sun is shining and we have moved to daylight savings time; sure signs that spring is on it’s way. With each day that passes, more individuals are able to access the Covid vaccine and along with increasing vaccination numbers, our hopes of life returning to normal seems to grow stronger.
Although we haven’t been able to return to our quilting space, we have all been busy, on and off, with quilting projects at home.
Here are some completed projects from a few of us:
1) Cheryl
Some of the 20 face masks made for Christmas according to recipients particular tastes